Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Do you ever draw tattoos on yourself?

Ever since I was a kid...I loved body art! finally old enough to get my own, I got a couple pieces...But i STILL sometimes like to grab my tattoo liner and draw a temporary tattoo. 

I've been really into feathers lately...I'm even thinking of buy a pair of White Canvas TOMS and drawing feathers on it! How cool would that be? It'd be totally customized. 

                                            I used the trooper tattoo liner by Kat Von D

Here's a pic of my one of my "real' tattoos...haha 
It's a lotus flower with an evil eye in the middle which will protect me from harm, a rosary that symbolizes faith and higher powers and of course, the scorpio symbol...cuz baby I'm a stinger!

tattoos, real n' fake, color, or black n' white <3 NeenaJay

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Electric Daisy Carnival 2011 Las Vegas - EDC Must-haves

t-15 hours 'till EDC Las Vegas!!!!!!  I've been getting a lot of requests to do a EDC must-haves blog...so here it is. 

Here's everything you'll need to have a fun and safe experience at the 2011 Electric Daisy Carnival and all future music festivals.

1. Fanny-pack! You're gonna need a fanny-pack so you can be hands-free and fist-pump the night away..haha (and you wont have to worry about setting down your belongings anywhere unsafe) oh! AND ... backpacks might be easily accessed by people in the crowd without you knowing. You WILL get bumped into... A LOT!
..and you may not notice if someone is trying to steal something from your backpack.

this is a great buy from Target at only $16.99 ... its a great dark brown leather that will work great for both guys and girl! **It even has a secret zipper on the back side (closer to ur tummy that will come in handy)
~You want to put your ID card, cash (dont bring a lot, $50 should be enough: keep emergency money in the car) and car keys in this secret zipper so no one can access it without you feeling it!

2. Your gonna' want a mini mister fan to stay cool. They sell ones like this at Sport Chalet.
these are awesome cuz they have a skinny frame that wont be too bulky in ur fanny pack but you can also clip it to your pants! Just fill with water and turn it on to spray a little hydration onto yourself. Vegas is HOT!!!

3. Grab 2-3 Granola Bars (home made are better) here's a recipe
food is expensive and lines are LONGGGG *this little snack will hold you or ur friend off for a 'bit.

4. Now the fun! We all LOVE glowsticks but they can get expensive... here's a 99cent option.
All the 99cent stores now have 12 pack tubes of bracelet and mouth sized glow stick

Most importantly...have the numbers of everyone in your group, at least one parent or other emergency contact of everyone in your group (someone who won't be at EDC), constantly drink water, dont go to the bathroom alone, if someone looks like they're dehydrated...PLEASE help them, and most importantly, dont succumb to peer pressure to take drugs. You do NOT know what it could be laced with. You don't know how your body will react to it... be safe...do everything you can to make sure you and your friends have an amazing euphoric experience. Let the music get you high.
...return safely to your family n' friends at home so we can all party again together next time!

fanny packs, glow sticks and fist-pumps! <3 NeenaJay

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

New Age Wellness and Healing - Manifest Destiny - Vision Boards

Hey Guys! I have a fun new activity for you to do...and if you're a big 'zine reader like me...this is gonna be SUPER fun. ....ever heard the quote "seeing is believing"...? well it's true! ... and as it goes with the laws of manifesting your destiny...if you keep a clear and detailed picture of what you're trying to achieve...you can attract exactly what you want from the universe... 

...this is a technique I learned from my life coach Tracy Crossley who has helped me grow oh-so-much emotionally and spiritually. (find her here ~~> on facebook or on twitter @TracyCrossley

Most everything in life depends on visualization...."see it to believe it" RIGHT?!

A vision board is a compilation of pictures that express EXACTLY what you want to achieve in life.
I recommend making two (2) boards: 1 for short term goals ... and 1 for long term goals.

So lets start... Here's what you'll need:

1: A poster board ... as big or as small as you want (you're gonna place this somewhere that you will see it several times a day so make sure it'll fit in that space)
2: A glue stick & scissors ... to cut & paste all that you want in life
3: Magazines, print-outs, newspapers ... there is no limit to what graphics you can use...if they give you that ooey-gooey feeling inside; it works!
4: Crayons n' Markers: to add some personal details to your vision

Let's Start!!!

Grab a magazine...or any material you're about to cut up...Grab your handy-dandy scissors...get ready...get set...CUT!!! cut out anything you want.... see a beautiful country-style home? is that what you want? CUT IT!
...see a shiny red corvette you'd want?...CUT IT! get it? haha... keep cutting out pictures that describe the destiny you want to manifest for yourself. 

Note* Keep your goals realistic (i.e. humans will never be able to fly on earth ... our gravity won't allow it)

here are a few samples of vision boards... 


now ...paste them on your poster ... go ahead... there is NO strategy... whatever makes sense in that head of yours is fair game.

you can add more...subtract unnecessary stuff...and perfect it to ur liking...

you done?...here comes more fun... look at ur vision board... embrace it...love it...feel it....feel yourself riding in that new 'vette. If you're into meditation...meditate it! LIVE IT, LOVE IT, CREATE IT!

Now place it somewhere that your eye will catch it several times a day. ex: at your desk, in the bathroom, on your closet mirror, etc... take a picture of it...make it ur computer and cell phone wallpaper...indulge in your vision baby! 

Each and every night before going to bed...look at it and go over every detail.... and email me when you attain what you've posted on the board... ;)

Monday, June 20, 2011

My Favorite Accessories for Summer '11

I was visiting the beautiful, hot, city of Palm Springs, CA and was lucky enough to be there during there Thursday Craft Fair...(look out for the blog about how my weekend went)...when I came across a vendor who crafts and sets all her pieces.

This next piece is a one-of-a-kind, custom, hand-made leather cuff designed by Yeva of Yevarts
like her page and just daydream about all her beautiful creations

This is from a recent shoot I did up in the Angeles National Forest...I'll blog about it soon!


And last but not least...
 <~~ this ring is my Grey Moonstone ring from  Pandora. It's a very special ring from a very special someone. It matches perfectly with my Pandora bracelet...(it's almost completely full!!! yay!)

big rocks, leather-cuffs, and stones of the moon, <3 NeenaJay

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Sneak Peek! Fav. Summer Accessories!

Hey guys... it's taking me a lil' longer than expected to show you all my favorite accessories for the summer! I was lucky enough to buy a couple interesting pieces this weekend from a craft fair (those are better than any fancy-shmancy boutique jewelry). I met the artisans who hand-crafted these pieces.... but before I get to those... here a sneak-peek of what's coming up...
this is my super-big turquoise ring...I feel so powerful when I wear it!

did you know...
Energy: Receptive  Astrological signs of: Sagittarius, Pisces and Scorpio
Planet: Venus, Neptune  Vibrates to the number: 1
Element: Earth

Powers: Money, Protection, courage, love, luck, friendship, healing

As an all-around healing stone, turquoise energy benefits the whole body. A powerful immune system booster, it is said to improve communication among all systems of the body and is of particular use as a treatment for depression.
Also associated by some sources with an ability to remove toxins, turquoise is a good tonic stone. Crystal healers recommend it especially for detoxification of alcohol, poison, pollution, or radiation in the body. Its calming and grounding influence is also used in treatment of high blood pressure, asthma, infections, and dental problems. Because it shares many healing properties with other copper-based crystals, it's a good idea to use turquoise as preventive medicine or in those instances when, indeed, the proverbial ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.
ATTRIBUTES: Turquoise is a most efficient healer, providing solace for the spirit and well-being for the body. It is a protective stone and has been used for amulets since time immemorial. It is believed to change color to warn of danger of infidelity. Turquoise promotes spiritual attunement and enhances communication with the physical and spiritual worlds. Placed on the third eye*, it enhances intuition and meditation. On the throat chakra*, it releases old vows, inhibitions, and prohibitions, and allows the soul to express itself once more. It explores past lives and shows how the creation of your "fate" is ongoing and depends on what you do at each moment.
Turquoise is a purification stone. It dispels negative energy and clears electromagnetic smog*, providing protection against pollutants in the environment. It balances and aligns all the chakras with the subtle bodies and attunes the physical level to the spiritual. In traditional thought, Turquoise unites the earth and the sky, bringing together male and female energies.This stone is empathetic and balancing. A promoter of self-realization, it assists creative problem-solving and calms the nerves when speaking in public.
Psychologically, Turquoise is a strengthening stone. It dissolves a martyred attitude or self-sabotage.
Mentally, Turquoise instills inner calm while remaining alert, and aids creative expression.
Emotionally, Turquoise stabilizes mood swings and brings inner calm. It stimulates romantic love.
Physically, Turquoise is an excellent stone for exhaustion, depression, or panic attacks. One of its protective functions is against outside influences or pollutants in the atmosphere.
HEALING: Turquoise strengthens the meridians of the body and the subtle energy fields. It enhances the physical and psychic immune systems and regenerates tissue, supports the assimilation of nutrients, alleviates pollution and viral infections, and heals the whole body, especially the eyes, including cataracts. It reduces excess acidity and benefits gout, rheumatism, and the stomach. This stone is anti-inflammatory and detoxifying and alleviates cramps and pain.
POSITION: Anywhere but especially on the throat, third eye, and solar plexus. It makes an excellent elixir.
In addition to the generic properties, the following type has additional attributes:
Tibetan Turquoise is green and carries a slightly different vibration from the more vivid blue. It is especially useful for healing throat chakra blockages and suppressed self-expression back down the ancestral line until the source is cleared.

Source: read more here!

big rocks, street fairs, and good vibes :)  <3 NeenaJay
~>follow me on twitter @neenajay and "like" me on facebook.com/neenajay

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Finally!!! A t shirt cutting tutorial

as I like to say...ADAM SAAKS ain't got nuttin' on my when it comes to cutting shirts!!!

haha... this is a basic tutorial that EVERYONE can do!

watch out for more intricate designs coming soon.... and dresses too!

follow me @neenajay and "like" me on facebook.com/neenajay


scissors, and summer fun! <3 NeenaJay

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

My Favorite Nude Lipstick!

After trying MAC's Viva Glam Gaga 2 and many other expensive nude lipsticks...I found my fav.

Buts it's not $14.50 like the mac one....it's not $7.25 .... it's only $4!

Its #522 from NYX Cosmetics called "CIRCE" 
It is theee velvetiest, softest, matte color EVER! 
Visit nyxcosmetics.com and browse their collection of awesomely priced makeup!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Why are my shoes in the freezer?!?! - Want super-cool (brrr) feet?! You can do it too! haha

Have you ever bought shoes that we're the perfect size but SO UNCOMFORTABLE you couldn't stand to wear them for more than an hour? 
All the fancy stiletto heals, sparkles and $$$ can't buy comfort. But a #neenajayTip will help you save your shoes, and your feet from aching the morning-after!

Go ahead ... Freeze your shoes ... try it! 

Here's what you need: 

Put the wet towels inside the baggies and stuff your shoe with them...it's really that easy!

...the wet towels will expand as they freeze and gently stretch your shoes so your pretty little toes can breathe!

S.O.S. (Save our Shoes ... haha I like it!), Sparkly Shoes and Super-Cool (pun-intended) Feet,
<3 NeenaJay

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

New Age Wellness and Healing - Law of Attraction - Attracting Your Soulmate

I want to share an exercise with you that will use the "Law of Attraction" to bring into your life your soul mate, your twin-fire, your partner in crime (or love hehe) ....

Heres what you need:
2 pieces of paper
1 red candle
1 white candle
1 pink candle
Rose Oil (or any oil that reminds you of love)
Long piece of string

Step 1: Close your eyes and get into a meditative state... this is different for everyone!  for me... I sit Indian style and breathe...I inhale clarity and peace and exhale everything else. Feel the presence of your soul mate...what feeling does it give you...why? how does he look....its ok to picture him ;) ...

Step 2: write out ALL the attributes of your soul mate as though he already existed in ur presence on the first piece of paper.
ex: He is honest, he is tall, he is stable, etc.
Go ahead...Get creative! there are no boundaries... get as specific and picky as you'd like!

Step 3: Make a copy of paper 1 or write it all out again on paper 2

Step 4: Dress the candles with the oil and light them. Say an invocation...don't have one in mind? use this....

"Thank you to my higher power, thank you to the divine light, thank you to my angels, my archangels, thank you to my guides... thank you for uniting me with my soul mate who is _______ (list all the attributes you listed on the paper). (ex. tall, handsome, has money, mentally stable, etc.)

Step 5: Following the invocation, take the candles outside and burn the 2nd piece of paper and let it go into the universe so she can unite you with your soul mate. Let the candles burn.

Step 6: Take the piece of string and as you read each characteristic you want your soul mate to have, tie a knot in the string...
... take the string with the knots and tie it around your wrist as a constant reminder of what your about to attract. 

Step 7: keep the first piece of paper at your bedside or under your pillow and read and remind yourself as often as you may wish. The universe is about to deliver!!! 

**keep in mind, when asking the universe for something, always state it positively and in such a manner that you already have it.
ex: Don't say... "I WANT a new car" ... you'll always remain in a state of  "WANTING"... instead say... "thank you for providing me with the new yellow corvette"

**Keep your wishes and goals realistic.

**Remember that you can NEVER control anyone else. Come from the heart. Mean well. and let me know if you have any questions! Have fun!

Candles, Love, Universal Energy, <3 NeenaJay